The class will cover basic post-production techniques such as cropping, resizing, color correction, sharpening, and other basic retouching techniques. No knowledge of Photoshop is required. If students already have images they wish to work with, they may bring them to the class.
Instructor: Tom Loughlin (MFA)
Dates: 2 class meetings / Wednesdays, December 11, 18
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Tuition: $40
Special Rates!
Register with a friend and get 10% off the class fee.
Register with 5 friends and one person can take the class FREE OF CHARGE!
For inquiries and to take advantage of special rates, email:
And if you don’t see what you want here, we would love to hear your suggestions for future classes.
Please email Emily Doman at with your ideas!