Itzel Rio-Ellis


Itzél Rios-Ellis is a Mexican-American artist based in San Francisco, California with a BFA in Illustration from California College of the Arts. Engaging with a diverse array of mediums—including painting, digital and traditional illustration, fiber arts, printmaking, sculpture, and design — Rios-Ellis navigates multiple artistic avenues to convey distinct and evocative messages. Her work particularly delves into the themes of the body and the notion of home. Through her art, she explores these complex aspects of her life, creating a visual narrative that speaks to personal growth and the impact of these experiences on her artistic expression.

Artist Statement

"As an artist who predominantly creates from inspiration drawn from the intimate moments of her personal life, Rios-Ellis' work is meant to be consumed, digested, and sat with; an experience of her own collected, gathered, and given. Each piece serves as a vessel, carrying fragments of her own experiences and emotions. Through mediums ranging from illustration, sculpture, fiber arts, printmaking, and painting, she hands over memories — memories encompassing the spectrum of femininity, masculinity, gender, sexuality, her Mexican-American identity, comfort, discomfort, and home. "

Selected Work

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Splintering Rios Ellis
Portrait Of The Fire
Amalia Armoire
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Splintering Rios Ellis
Portrait Of The Fire
Amalia Armoire
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