Statistics Listening Session with RMR of Trueque

Venue: 1131 Mission Street

On Jan. 21 from 6-7:15pm, join Trueque artist RMR for a shared listening session of her Statistics III audio archive project. Statistics is an audio archive of stories collected from people who live with and have experienced mental illness. Through a virtual shared listening experience, this iteration of Statistics addresses the commonality of mental illness while working to allieviate the stigma often associated with it.

If you'd like to attend the Statistics listening session, we ask that you come with a willingness to share a space by keeping your camera turned on and your audio on mute. Please know that we plan to record the evening’s call and that closed captions will also be made available. The statistics archive includes some content that may feel difficult to hear about. Visit RMR's page for more details and content warnings. 

Register below to receive a Zoom link for the virtual event.


Statistics is part of Trueque, curated by Samu Cortez. Trueque Pt. I showcases the work of eight artists from the Bay Area and Mexico to imagine reciprocal systems of exchange beyond the lens of our current capitalist paradigm. Oftentimes, when we think about exchange, we think about an equal monetary trade for goods. But what are the implications when exchange happens without following the guidelines of that system? What happens, when alternatively, there is an exchange of memories, cultures, feelings, shared knowledge, or physical goods with others?

Trueque Pt. I will be on view in our online gallery from January 7 – 25, 2021 and paves the way for Trueque Pt. II which will explore exchange across boundary and border, in real time and space, coming in 2022.


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