Current Studio Artist Showcase

Current Studio Artist Showcase
On view in the Frank-Ratchye Project Space as part of Root Division’s 20-Year Anniversary Celebration, will be works by our current Studio Artist cohort, offering a window into the diversity of media and practices happening onsite.
Featuring Works by:
Nicki Aquino
Charlotte Beck
dominique birdsong
Aik Brown
Viviana Martínez Carlos
Rachel Dean
Carissa Diaz
Rebeca Abidail Flores
Hunter Franks
Leah King
Alma Leppla
Aambr Newsome
Zach Searcy
Lonnie Taylor
Ileana Tejada
Christopher Williams
Jasmine Zhang
** Two additional studio artists, Nathalie O’Brien and Salome El, are not featured in the Frank-Ratchye Project Space as they are exhibiting in the main gallery.