Misfit Maker Holiday Pop-Up & RD MAKES

Misfit Maker Holiday Pop-Up & RD MAKES
Root Division is excited to present the 11th Annual Misfit Maker Holiday Pop-Up and RD MAKES!
Featuring live art making, local vendors, and lots of fun, our Misfit Maker Holiday Pop-Up includes a one night live art-making event featuring over a dozen Bay Area artists, and coinciding with the opening of RD MAKES, an exhibition featuring works by current Root Division Studio Artists. On December 9 throughout the event, artists will be making small sculptures and other giftables on site in Root Division’s gallery. These notable objects range from handmade ornaments and jewelry to fun plushies and mini masterpieces. Each artist-made item will be available for sale as they are completed, ranging in price from $20 – $60.
Misfit Maker Holiday Pop-Up is free, open to the public, and family friendly, including our Creative Station with all ages art activities hosted in our classroom. Works made during the event will remain on sale until December 20, 2023.
Register for our 2nd Saturday opening reception here.
Nicki Aquino*
Sarah Barsness**
Ana Bedolla**
Tamara Berdichevsky
Victoria 程*
Alice Combs**
Rachel Dean**
Laura Diggs*
Rhiannon Evans MacFadyen
with Sunny “Shushikiller”
Sammy Gripe*
Karrie Hovey
Clint Imboden
Alma Landeta*
Natasha Loewy & Kristen Wong
Cinthia Marisol Lozano*
Yuki Maruyama
ChiChai Mateo**
Meg Moriarty**
Nathalie O’Brien*
Miya Stephanoff
*RD Studio Artist
**RD Studio Alum
Chad Abbley
Nibha Akireddy
Nicki Aquino
Dominique Birdsong
Aik Brown
Victoria 程
Carolina Cuevas
Laura Diggs
Salome El
Anisa Esmail
Harley Harris
Alexis Javellana Hill
Audrey Herrera
Chase Irvin
Grace Jin
Chanel Kim
Alma Landeta
Josie Licavoli
Cinthia Marisol Lozano
Nathalie O’Brien
Valeria Olguin
Lyn Patterson
Maya Salcido White
Lonnie Taylor
Exhibition Dates
December 9, 2023 – January 21, 2024
Second Saturday Reception & Misfit Event
December 9, 2023 | 4-8 pm
Gallery Hours
Wednesday – Saturday from 2-6 PM