Angela (she/ her) is an artist and educator currently based in Oakland CA / Ohlone Land , and was born and raised in Sacramento / Nisenan Land. She completed her BA in Art Practice and Comparative Ethnic Studies from University of California Berkeley and is now participating in the Secondary Education Teaching Credential Program in Social Science at San Francisco State University. She creates art through writing, installation, textile, performance and digital media.
Being a daughter of diaspora has informed my concern with intergenerational knowledge. I reject the notion of monolithic hxstory and seek to disrupt Eurocentric knowing through pieces that center silences and invisibilities that are local, global, personal and familial. The complex textures unwound in the work are meant to be invitations to engage the audience with a question of how we might reckon with our species-wide epidemic of violence. My practices as an artist, community member, educator and learner are grounded in a persistent curiosity about the potential of a collective imagination.