Venue: 1131 Mission Street
Introduction to Photoshop Workshop
In this introductory course, students will learn basic Photoshop skills in order to manipulate digital imagery. Students will begin the class with an in-depth tour and demonstration Photoshop tools, workspace arrangements, and various ways to work with layers. Students will then learn how to use these tools to automate a set of photos for white balance, contrast, tone, etc. Students will spend the second half of class manipulating an image of their choice using Photoshop filters to build a series of layered images for a looped GIF.
Instructor: Phi Tran, BA
Dates: 1 class meeting / Saturday, June 30
Time: 2:00-5:00pm
Tuition: $60
Special Rates!
Register with a friend and get 10% off the class fee.
Register with 5 friends and one person can take the class FREE OF CHARGE!
Registrations must be made at the same time by the same person for the discount to apply. For inquiries and to take advantage of special rates, email:
And if you don’t see what you want here, we would love to hear your suggestions for future classes.
Please email Lindsay Howland at with your ideas!