Abayomi Anli Brownfield


De’Ana Brownfield is an artist and educator that is originally from Stockton but currently lives in Oakland, CA. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in African Decoloniality in Art & History at Mills College. In her studies and practice, she explores what it means to decenter whiteness in Afro Diasporic experiences, history, education, and spirituality.

Artist Statement

My Afro-Native heritage inspires me to create a body of work that validates both my Blackness and those intersections. Often those identities are separated and viewed as "unlikely connections." My practice honors my ancestors' stories by creating visual representations of Black futures grounded in African and Afro Native cultural practices & cosmologies.

Selected Work

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Black & Blue
Mami Wata
The Water She Carries Us
Born, Build, Destroy
The Water She Carries Us
In Memory of my Afro-Indigenous Kin
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Black & Blue
Mami Wata
The Water She Carries Us
Born, Build, Destroy
The Water She Carries Us
In Memory of my Afro-Indigenous Kin
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